The City of Circleville, Department of Public Utilities, has processed the
2022Consumer Confidence Report and it is available to all of its water customers.
The Consumer Confidence Report, or CCR, is an annual water quality report that the Safe Drinking Water Act requires a community water system to provide to their customers. The CCR includes information on source water, the levels of any detected contaminants for the calendar year and compliance with drinking water rules. The report is processed annually and reports on the previous calendar year; therefore, the current CCR is for the 2022 year.

The CCR can be viewed on the City of Circleville website at or you may contact the Utilities Office in person at 108 E Franklin St., Circleville or over the phone at 740- 477-8255 to receive a printed copy. If you have any questions regarding the CCR,
please contact the Water Treatment Plant at 740-477-8242 Monday thru Friday 7:30am–4:00pm.