CIRCLEVILLE – Late Saturday night, near closing time, alleged professional thieves stole between $12,000 and $14,000 from a Pumpkin Show veteran of 27 years.
Paul Teague has been known for his roasted corn for nearly 3 decades at the annual event, recently handing off the business to his son Doug Teague. Doug was slated to operate the concession stand this year but due to pneumonia, was unable to operate the booth, calling on Paul and his granddaughter to run the booth for the duration of the event.
According to Teague, at around 8:30, a customer distracted the booth’s workers long enough for a second party to gain access to the booth and obtain the business’s deposit bag, valued at between $12,000 to $14,000 – although initial police reports state the value even higher, at $18,000.
“They couldn’t have hit anyone that needed the money more,” said Teague in a phone interview. According to him, the family has had recent major medical issues, including pneumonia, as well as one child requiring multiple trips to Children’s Hospital for Bursa, and a wife with water on the lungs.

To complicate matters worse for the family, social media was abuzz concerning an incident involving a wreck involving Teague’s SUV, which accidentally crashed into a front window between Gibson Realty Co. and Gibby’s Sports Bar. This event occurred after the robbery had taken place.
Gibby’s is taking the event in stride, as their social media account stated on one comment feed that “…They were doing everything they can do to try to get in Gibbys this week.”
Teague also wanted to express his thanks and appreciation for the local community helping him through this time, including police, EMS, and the owners of Gibby’s.
Any person with information concerning the robbery is requested to contact Circleville Police at 740-474-
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