Lancaster, Ohio – In a heartwarming testament to the power of family and the enduring
spirit of community service, Ken, Jamie, and Will Culver have made history in the Rotary
Club of Lancaster. Representing three generations, the Culvers are united in their
commitment to Rotary’s motto of “Service Above Self.”
Ken Culver, the patriarch of the family, has long been a stalwart of the Lancaster Rotary
Club. Reflecting on his journey, Ken shared the quote, “A man never stands so tall as
when he stoops to help a child.” This guiding principle of Rotary’s service mission has
been a lodestone for Ken throughout his years of dedicated service. “I am pleased to
be one of three generations to help make it happen,” he added.
For Jamie Culver, Ken’s son, the path of service was illuminated early on. “I learned from my parents the importance of service, making humankind better through your actions,” Jamie remarked. “I grew up seeing my father exemplify this through Rotary and other means. The Rotary Club of Lancaster has given me an opportunity to live this as well. Jamie and his wife have endeavored to teach their children the importance of giving unto others, just as Rotary has allowed them to do.” Jamie exclaims, “I’m so glad my son has embraced the same idea of service above self through Rotary.”
Following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, Will Culver represents the third generation of the Culver family’s Rotary legacy. “For as long as I can remember, my father and grandfather would always mention “Rotary,” and I had no idea what that was or what that meant,” Will recalled.
“Having grown up with service-minded individuals around me, joining such a
community-minded club was easy. It is exciting to be part of a service club that exhibits
such passion and championing of community service that I can easily align myself
The Culvers’ shared dedication to Lancaster Rotary underscores the organization’s
profound impact on individuals and families alike. Their story is a powerful reminder of
the importance of service and the difference it can make in communities across
generations. The Rotary Club of Lancaster is proud to celebrate the Culvers’
commitment and looks forward to their continued contributions. Together, Ken, Jamie,
and Will Culver embody the essence of Rotary’s mission, demonstrating that service is a
family tradition that transcends generations.
The Rotary Club of Lancaster is part of Rotary International, the world’s first service club
organization, with more than 1.2 million members in 33,000 clubs worldwide. Rotary club
members are volunteers who work locally, regionally, and internationally to combat
Ken, Will, and Jamie Culver, Lancaster Rotary
Club Members
hunger, improve health and sanitation, provide education and job training, promote
peace, and eradicate polio under the motto Service Above Self. The Lancaster Rotary
Club is comprised of approximately 140 business and community leaders and
professionals who meet weekly for programs, networking, and friendship on Mondays at
Noon. More information can be found at https://www.rotarycluboflancaster.org/