PICKAWAY – Three people were given summonses for cast net fishing in a place they were not allowed to Deer Creek Dam.
Accoridng to Ohio Code, ” It shall be lawful to take forage fish and minnows with a cast net. It shall be unlawful for any person to use a cast net within a distance of one thousand feet down stream from any dam posted with the division of wildlife signs indicating cast net use is prohibited.”
Accoridng to State Wildlife Officer Matt Tenders, assigned to Madison County he received a Turn-In-A-Poacher (TIP) report of individuals cast netting within 1,000 feet of a posted dam at Deer Creek Spillway. Officer Teders observed three individuals netting near the dam. He contacted them to check for fishing licenses and bag limit compliance. Upon inspection of their bucket, 34 game fish were observed, including bass, catfish, crappie, and bluegill. Officer Teders issued three summonses for taking game fish using a cast net.
Reports of wildlife violations can be submitted anonymously via the TIP hotline at 1-800-POACHER (1-800-762-2437).