US – Google was passed by Tik Tok in popular websites in 2021 according to data collected from Cloudflare, a web security and performance company.
Tik Tok wasn’t as highly ranked last year, (7) moved up to the top of the list surpassing Google that has held the domain popularity for years.
Cloudflare says it tracks data using its tool “Cloudflare Radar,” that was launched in September 2020
“It was on February 17, 2021, that TikTok got the top spot for a day. Back in March, TikTok got a few more days and also in May, but it was after August 10, 2021, that TikTok took the lead on most days. There were some days when Google was #1, but October and November were mostly TikTok’s days, including on Thanksgiving (November 25) and Black Friday (November 26),” said Cloudflare on their release.
Tik Tok also took over as the most popular social media domain in 2021 over Facebook.
“In what was the second year of the pandemic, social media domains continued high on our ranking,” Cloudflare wrote in its blog. “The nine main social media applications were all in our top 100 list of most popular global domains … We can see that TikTok … took Facebook from its crown of the most popular social media website-domain in our ranking.”