Thursday night you will get the chance to see the “Unicorn Meteor Storm” that is being triggered by a mysterious comet. These meteors radiate from the constellation Monocerio which is Greek for Unicorn, it is located just to the left of the constellation Orion.
This meteor shower will bring several meteors per second during the rare event known as a meteor storm.
There is never a guarantee that a meteor storm will occur, but there is a good chance that you will be able to witness this rare event tonight if the weather is right for it.
The last time the alpha Monocerotids meteor storm occurred is in 1995, it produced around 400 meteors per hour.
The meteor storm will peak at 11:50p.m. on November 21st, but onlookers should start their gazing around 11p.m. and continue through midnight for the best chance to see the meteor storm.
Even if it doesn’t become a meteor storm, you will still have an opportunity to see up to 10 sporadic meteors per hour. Also, the moon will not rise til 3a.m., which should help eliminate that source of the light and make viewing easier.
According to weather, a far reaching storm will spread clouds across the Eastern U.S., but let’s hope this occurs after midnight.