[Circleville, Ohio] Ohio Christian University will hold its traditional Torch Run and parade to celebrate the start of Homecoming & Family Day on Oct 10. The parade will start at 8 p.m. in front of Detty Chapel on Ohio Christian’s campus.
Every academic year, Ohio Christian hosts the Torch Run to mark the start of homecoming. Runners begin their route through Circleville on Ohio Christian’s campus, burning torch in hand and a parade of students, staff and alumni behind them. Students in the front of the parade take turns running with the torch as staff and students in floats behind them shout encouragements and interact with the observing community members.
The run through Circleville is a symbolic act based on the university verse, 2 Cor 4:6-7, which commands believers to “let light shine out of darkness.” The Torch Run serves as an excellent visualization of students and staff at Ohio Christian piercing the darkness with the love of Christ and a heart oriented toward service.
Ohio Christian University is a Christ-centered, liberal arts institution that integrates faith and learning, equipping students academically and spiritually for a variety of real-world careers. With five ways to earn degrees through online and classroom options, our supportive faculty foster excellence and integrity in a caring community.