ROSS – Ross county Sheriff George Lavender awarded two of his employees today for going above and beyond to help a local farmer.
On June 7th around 8 pm a 911 call came in to Ross county sheriffs office of a report of a man caught between the blade of his tractor and the tractor itself. Witnesses on the scene were able to shut down the tractor but not get the man removed from the situation.
According to Ross county sheriffs office when Sergeant Mont Steele and Deputy Jacob Johansen arrived on scene first they rendered life saving aid to the victim until E.M.S. personell arrived.
When EMS arrived the fire department had to use extrication tools to remove the farmer from the equipment. Sheriff personal called a Medical Helicopter was called in to transfer the man to emergency hospitals, due to the victims condition as critical.
“Because of these actions the farm is alive today and this morning I had the privilege of presenting Life Saving Awards to these men,” said Sheriff Lavender.