Ross County and Chillicothe — United Way is busy serving the community, and recently celebrated their phone information service.
Andrea Williams, CEO of United Way of Ross County, visited the Ross County Commissioners on February 10th to get a proclamation for the next day, 2/11…which was National “211 Day.”
I asked her what United Way does in Chillicothe and Ross County.

Their 2-1-1 phone service has been available for a few years, and she said the 24-hour information and referral service is for those seeking assistance with rent, utilities, housing, food…as well as donors who want to help provide those.
Williams said it allows callers to get immediate information from a live operator, no matter what time it is, on what they need – and is available on all kinds of phones.
You don’t even need to dial the area code – the operator will ask where you are calling from. (Ross is one of only three counties in Ohio with the service.)
211 is not a website, but you can learn about it on its Ohio information website.
Williams also has yard signs available for those who want to spread the word. You can also call the United Way office at 740 / 773-3280 and ask for 211 info.

United Way of Ross County offers a free produce market three times a month at three locations in the county in partnership with the Mid-Ohio Food Bank.
Williams said those who are at or under 200% of the poverty line can drive up and United Way will load up fresh produce at the Chillicothe library annex (off 5th Street behind the main library building), in Bainbridge, and at Huntington Schools.

Speaking of food, for six years United Way has been offering the “Mighty Active Pack” where they supply weekend bags of food to schoolchildren on Fridays. Williams said all school districts in Ross County identify children who are “chronically hungry” (and will also identify any allergies).
She said on Thursdays, volunteers pack shelf-stable food for kids to take home to share with the family. Since their goal to feed more than just the child, they pack not just single-serve foods, but full boxes.

Williams said United Way of Ross County has started their volunteer income tax assistance program for this year, where eligible people can have their taxes prepared at no cost by volunteers through April 15th. She said they served almost 1,600 last year.
The well-known annual fundraising campaign for United Way ends ends in April, and Williams said they have great partners among local big businesses and Ross County government agencies. In 2025, she says United Way is supporting 15 agencies and 18 programs throughout the county.

Hear Williams in her own words in the below interview video.
The office of United Way of Ross County is at 69 East Water Street in Chillicothe. They have a website, Facebook page, and other social media.