There have been a number of slanderous letters to the editor from individuals regarding the Pickaway County Republican Party, and I write to all true conservatives today to set the record straight as Vice Chair of the Republican central committee. First off, several individuals who have written in are not registered republicans, one can easily search this information on the board of elections, and I encourage you to do so. Many of these same individuals have also never voted in a Republican primary, have never attended a Lincoln day dinner, or the many other events we have put on over the years.
Do not be fooled, the ridiculous allegations that have been made against the Pickaway County Republican Party and central committee are baseless and untrue. It is part of an effort and smear campaign by a group of people who desire two things, power, and to destroy the values and ideals we hold dear as Republicans. Our party is more than transparent and accessible, myself, Chairman Mike Whitten, and Treasurer Ronde Cook Brushart, have always been happy to answer any questions or concerns from any Republican in this county.
The duties and responsibilities of the Republican central committee is simple: to help elect and support true conservative Republican candidates running for office. In Pickaway county, we have done just that, 11 out of 12 county offices are held by a Republican officeholder. Republicans also control 7/8 seats on Circleville City Council. The vast majority of township trustees and village council members across the county are Republicans. There are more Republicans elected now in this county, than at any point in Pickaway County history.
The Pickaway County Republican Party welcomes all and invites everyone to our upcoming events. On February 1st the Republican Central Committee is hosting a forum for the republican congressional candidates at Ohio Christian University’s Maxwell Center at 7:00 PM, room 101. On February 29th, the Lincoln Day Dinner will be at Heritage Hall at 6:00 pm. The keynote speaker will be Alex Triantafilou, chairman of the Ohio Republican Party. Our headquarters are open to all on Tuesdays from 1-4, Thursdays 10-1, and Saturdays 10-12. Our telephone number is 740-420-7059, I encourage any Republican who has questions or would like to get involved to reach out.