OHIO – A Sheriff says he was hit by a celebratory bullet on New Years Eve. The Sheriff posted photos and video of the incident. In the video you can hear just after midnight the loud gunfire just after midnight. a minute into the video and you hear a ricochet sound and someone says, “Oh Sh-t” and says, “that was a round or something, it hit me.”
The Sheriff posted photos of the bullet and the dent it left on the cruiser. Heres the press release and video.
A few minutes after midnight on New Year’s Day, Sheriff Treglia and Major Mohler were sitting in an Allen County Sheriff’s Office cruiser right beside a Lima Police Department cruiser in the 100 block of South Main Street in Downtown Lima directly across from the Civic Center. For PSA purposes, Major Mohler began video recording the extraordinary number of “celebratory” gunshots being fired within the city limits. While parked, a stray bullet struck the LPD patrol unit ricocheting into the Allen County Sheriff’s Office cruiser. The stray bullet passed through the open driver’s window, inches in front of Major Mohler’s face, then struck Sheriff Treglia’s chest. It is assumed that this was an unintentional consequence of bullets being fired into the air. Luckily nobody was injured or killed as was seen in other cities this year.
What goes up, must come back down. Shooting any type of gun into the air is extremely dangerous and illegal. Please, handle any and all firearms safely and responsibly.
We are sharing this video to help spread the message that anyone can be injured by this type of criminal activity. At the :26 second mark you can hear the bullet strike the cruiser. Additional pictures are in the comments.