Chillicothe, Ross County, and World Travelers – Visitation to Ross County is growing, with a significant rise in short-term rentals like Air B&B, and the start of the ninth hotel in Chillicothe.
Melody Young, director of the Ross-Chillicothe Convention & Visitors Bureau, gave her annual report to the Ross County Commissioners on Monday.
She said the county gives the CVB 95% of their funding, though it’s mostly a pass-through. The state had created a “bed tax,” where overnight stays include a 4.25% additional tax that goes to each county. (Like a sales tax, it is not paid by the business owner.)
Young says the Ross County Commissioners pass 3% on to the CVB, who markets the city and county for tourism…which brings in more visitors.
She said 2024 had the largest annual contribution from the county: little more than $500K. The City of Chillicothe also contributed $50K.
Youg said that included a 6% growth in lodging tax revenue, and a large 25% increase in short-term rentals like bed & breakfasts.
Likewise, she said Hopewell Culture National Historical Park had a 43% increase in visitation, which is attributed to the World Heritage inscription for the Ross County earthworks, which are 5/7th of the Ohio UNESCO listing. Young said they had anticipated only a 30% increase based on other World Heritage sites.
School tours are also a part of the increase in visitation. Young says there is more funding for field trips, and even Adena Mansion & Gardens has offered grants to help.
She also pointed out that the fairly new city trolley bus brings visitors back – they are amazed by it and want to experience it. Young said now they need to expand its route beyond eight blocks, and expand it to other attractions. There has been talk about additional trolley buses, but any action will take place after the CVB moves into their new visitors center in Yoctangee Park.
The ninth hotel in Chillicothe is under construction: “Town Place” by the Lucid Hotel Group of Springfield is behind Golden Corral at the north end of Bridge Street, and is expected to open in a year. Young says there is still room for more hotels and short-term lodging.
Young pointed out that younger people are enjoying downtown Chillicothe, largely because of the efforts by Downtown Chillicothe Inc. The nonprofit has organized events like the “Sand in the Streets” volleyball games in front of the courthouse. Young said players are coming to that event from all over: not just Columbus and Cincinnati, but even Savannah, Georgia.

The CVB also has their newest and largest “wayfinding” sign up on US 23 opposite Adena Regional Medical Center, with finishing touches continuing. She says the city is still planning out the sign and graphics on the recreational trail bridge over the north end of High Street.
And since there was $34K left in the wayfinding signage budget, the CVB and Commissioners put part of that into marketing – with ads on National Geographic.

I also asked Young about this Saturday’s annual “Statehood Day” festivities in Chillicothe…but my video camera ate that part of my audio, so I will have to cover that in a different way soon.
The day starts with the “Statehood Day Prayer Breakfast,” now at First Presbyterian Church. Then, several local historical institutions have free open houses: The Ross County Historical Society, David Nickens Heritage Center, Chillicothe cabooses, Lucy Hayes Heritage Center, and Ross County Genealogical Society.
You’ll find me at the Prayer Breakfast and Lucy House, participating in my part of the local tourism industry.