Washington Court House – WCH Firefighters are aiming to reach people with fire safety during the COVID-19 pandemic with a new online interactive fire safety classroom.
“In an attempt to reduce risk in our community, would like to offer the following link to our brand new WCH FD Fire Safety Classroom. It is an interactive slide program with links to many videos, activities, games and brochures about a variety of fire safety topics for all ages,” said the Fire Department on a Facebook post.
In some of the videos created by the department they show kids what the firefighters wear, and talk about why they wear them. They also show videos in different age levels from children to teenagers.
The department said that the programing and online tool was new to them and is asking for feedback as they continue to improve and add things to the classroom.
To check the classroom out click on the link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1BhQFNcAHikLKQmmx7uEzsEosyvZ_i2a6d54CP9yw2DY/edit?fbclid=IwAR0theA2JPAofyFia8D1WqbKQd04O5iaMe9Zzx406a0omsosAd5oHWu-nUg#slide=id.gb4e6bc2f37_2_1