US – Climate experts released their predictions for the 2021-22 winter and they said to expect a wetter than average winter for Ohio river valley.
The agency released its winter outlook for the 2021-22 season, as La Niña conditions start to take hold for the second year straight.

NOAA is forecasting a warmer than average winter for much of the country. The South and the Gulf Coast have the strongest probability of a warmer-than-usual winter. The Southwest, much of the Midwest and the Northeast can also expect a warmer winter.
The Pacific Northwest and Great Lakes region are most likely to see a wetter-than-average winter this year. The Northern Rockies, parts of New York, Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia and Missouri may also see more precipitation.

So preparing for wetness in the form of rain, freezing rain, and snow is expected. Get those boots ready and find your umbrella.