Home Health & Fitness What You Need to Know About Domestic Violence – From the Haven...

What You Need to Know About Domestic Violence – From the Haven House


Haven House of Pickaway County opened its doors in 1994, as a domestic violence and homeless shelter for women. They strive to empower survivors of domestic violence by providing advocacy, shelter, support safety planning and have a 24/7 Crisis line. The Haven House is always available to help from minor situations to crisis.

They are always willing to talk about abuse, help people identify and protect themselves from domestic abuse. In 2016 Haven House sheltered 74 households, including 79 kids from abuse. They received 371 Crisis Calls, “Pickaway County is not short on domestic abuse,” said Lisa Johnson, director of the Haven House.

Originally a 12-bed facility, it is now a 25 bed facility that has been expanded to house the needs of the community. “We have a case manager on staff to help with resources, a licensed counselor specifically for domestic abuse care, and two-part time legal advocates that help with protection orders and support in court, if needed,” said Jonhnson.

“We are passionate about protecting our domestic violence victims here in Pickaway County,” said Johnson. “We have training several times a year, to learn new laws and new ways of care.” Haven House does training outreach in prisons, schools, and churches.

“Domestic Violence effects all status, all different classes of people.” We will help with a safety plan. We will help you leave. We can help you out of your situation. We can even help you identify what to do, call us.” Haven House’s 24-hour line is 740-477-9113.

In Pickaway County, according to The Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation there was 123 DVI charges in 2016. Another 302 calls were made but no charges occurred.

If you know someone who needs help, contact Haven House for minor to major situations.  If you need help or just need to talk to someone you can call 24-hours a day, seven days a week. The number is 740-477-9113. Like them on Facebook for upcoming events, website www.havenhouse1180.com.


What is Domestic Violence, by definition of the Ohio Revised Code: 2919.25 Domestic violence.

(A) No person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to a family or household member.

(B) No person shall recklessly cause serious physical harm to a family or household member.

(C) No person, by threat of force, shall knowingly cause a family or household member to believe that the offender will cause imminent physical harm to the family or household member.

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