PICKAWAY – A woman was arrested for disorderly conduct after getting into a random stranger’s vehicle at a gas station in Pickaway County yesterday.
According to the sheriff’s office, 26-year-old Shayde Aton was at the Shell gas station on US-23 in Southern Pickaway County when a 911 caller claimed she climbed in her car. Shocked the man told the sheriff’s department that the woman said she was dropped off at the gas station by her boyfriend and that she was, “melting.” The man forced the woman out of his vehicle and then contacted the sheriff’s department on the erratic behavior.
When the Sheriff’s department arrived they found the woman behind the gas station, when they attempted to ID the suspect she wouldn’t comply with police on her name and information. Eventually she was IDed and then arrested for Obstruction of Offical business and Disorderly conduct.
A quick web search of Atons history shows several 2018 charges from Florida for resisting arrest and threatening law enforcement with bodily harm.