PICKAWAY – A woman was overdosing in a bathroom of the Pilot gas station around 9:30 pm on Sunday night, after being given Narcan the woman took off from the scene.
According to reports, an employee of Pilot found the woman who was also an employee inside the restroom collapsed. The employee determined that she needed Narcan a drug overdose reversal chemical and called 911. During the time it took for the sheriff’s department and Pickaway township EMTs, the employee reported that the woman had awoken and was outside walking around. She then got into a vehicle and left the scene heading southbound on US-23.
The employee gave the sheriff’s department a description of the vehicle and they were able to stop the vehicle just before they crossed the Pickaway county/ Ross County line.
Alica Farleigh was arrested for a parole violation after she refused treatment from Emergency crews that responded to the scene

You can listen to the comments here on the scanner just to show I actually heard the call.